Have a message for Brett or the crew?
Want to get on a phone call with Brett while he’s riding, or maybe set up a quick FaceTime call? Just drop us a line here and we’ll hook you up!
Even if you just want to share a message of encouragement, we’ll post it on here for everyone to see (assuming you’re cool with that) and be sure to shout it at Brett out the car window.
Email: contact@racingforvets.org
Or just drop the crew a text at: (855) 939-6233 (you can also just text the word “Updates” to get signed up for live updates sent via text)

Team RWB provides enriching opportunities for veterans at home in their communities, virtually through a free mobile app, and as expeditions where they take groups of members on multi-day adventures most would not take on alone.
With over 100,000 members across 200 chapters in this country, they do amazing work through the efforts of nearly 1,000 volunteer leaders and less than 30 full time staff.